Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Cuba Visit 2016

Matanzas/Varadero Arrival

Feb 9 … I had to put up with the same bullshit, in Varadero airport, as last year -- took me an hour to get out of there! Lots of questions, misunderstandings until I finally got it across to them that I lived in Canada. I found out later, when renewing my visa in Cienfuegos, the problem is that my travel insurance is on a Canadian company but my passport is American which causes the confusion. Live and learn!

We stayed at Villa Loreto -- nice room, great lighting, full size fridge with ice tray but it never got cool and on the 3rd day it rattled loud constantly so we unplugged it. Martha was healing from a broken ankle. She spoke fair English. Noisy busy street one block away (the casa was on the playa side of Matanzas, about 4 or 5K from downtown). She said breakfast was fine but supper would be hard for her so we’d need to eat out. She arranged for a taxi and a casa for Jesse and JF (Brian’s daughter and hubby) who would be arriving in Santa Clara on the 12th.

We ate supper at a restaurant right around the corner -- the Bukan -- fine dining, excellent food and service.

Temps were really cool -- 12-15 C (53-59F) during the day plus real breezy!

Feb 12 ... Jesse and JF landed in Santa Clara at 1:30pm. They arrived here at 5:15pm.
$130 for 400K round trip. The driver took all of us to their casa which was very nice and quieter than ours.

Then we walked to the Bukan restaurant for supper -- $43, including tip, for appetizers and meal each, plus 2 rums and 3 beers CHEAP!  Jesse and JF were very impressed and ate heartily! (More about this great restaurant later)

Feb. 13 … We took a taxi to Rio Canimar ($10). We rented a motor boat for an hour ($40 per BOAT, not per person.) We had a great time! Brian drove first but refused to turn around where we were supposed to. This upset Jesse, as she didn’t want us to end up in a Cuban jail, so she made him switch with her and drove 1/2 way back, JF drove the rest of the way. We saw lots of pelicans!
Back at the main building, we watched a show put on by the locals which involved dancing and drums. Interesting!  

He's having way too much fun!


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